Question of the week for April 12: Who is planning to join us 5/18-5/20?

Although I have heard from a couple of people other than my siblings to indicate that they would like to join us if they can in Scott County May 18-20, as of today no one has confirmed that they are coming.  Since we are about forty days out at this point, I am writing this post to reiterate the dates (as previously described) and to add a few details that you will find useful if you are planning to come to Waldron.

Paul and I (along with our mother Mary Frances Wilson) will be arriving on Monday May 18 sometime between 9 and 10 a.m.  My guess is that we won’t be able to check in to the hotel until sometime that afternoon. I have made reservations for Mama, Paul, and me to stay at the Southern Nights Motel (479-637-4851),1622 Rice Street, Waldron, AR 72958.  (I understand that it is located just behind the McDonald’s.)

The room prices are reasonable, but you if you book a room there you should be aware that the accommodations are fairly basic. My impression is that the other motels are probably much the same, but I could be wrong about that. I did not check bed and breakfast options, but other members of the family might prefer to do that.

I understand that there are plenty of reasons why it may not work out for folks to come even if you may be interested in doing so.  With Aunt Betty’s recent fall and surgery, I assume that it would probably be fairly uncomfortable (if not outright painful) for her to travel. And I also understand that everyone has their own work constraints and family concerns. So if you are not able to come, don’t worry about it.

Having said that, I also need to say that it would help me a lot if I have a clear sense of whether you are likely to come. Because no one in our family actually lives in Scott County, logistics are likely to be tricky.  For example, Scott County Historical and Genealogical Society is located in a small building. If we should try to go to Shiloh Baptist Church or one  of the other churches (Freedom) in Scott County, the prospect that ten to 15 people might be entering the building might be perceived differently than if two or three of us are making a quick visit.

If we all want to gather for a meal, we will have to make arrangements, etc. So it would be very helpful if you could let me know by Friday May 8th if you think you are likely to come.  I will be happy to figure out a way for us to gather for a meal at one of the local restaurants for lunch or dinner provided that you give me a sense of when you are likely to be joining us. (Everyone is responsible for making their own motel reservations.)  I would hope that we could all be together on Tuesday evening (May 19) for a time of fellowship and storytelling, but that may or may not work with everyone’s travel schedule.

I recommend that folks use Facebook to coordinate. As you may recall, our cousin Lisa set up a page at one point to explore the prospect of a family reunion. This gathering may not turn out to be a full-fledged “reunion” but I see no reason why those of us who are planning to gather in Scott County next month shouldn’t use what Lisa put together as a way to connect with one another.

Please Note: Paul and I are planning to leave Scott County sometime Wednesday afternoon (5/20) to head back to Mama’s house in Barling before traveling back to Mississippi and Indiana on Thursday.

P. S. I regret that it has taken me a while longer to get back to posting blogs than I had hoped it would. I found myself running behind on several tasks after being out of the office for almost two weeks in March. I hope to be able to post entries on a weekly basis until the end of May (when I had originally thought that I would stop). Now that I am going to be taking on part-time responsibilities working for the Council of Independent Colleges (effective June 1st), I will not be in a position to extend the blog beyond one or two wrap up reflections on the backside of the trip to Arkansas.

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About mcartwright1957

I am a member of the senior administrative team at the University of Indianapolis where I have served since 1996. I am married to Mary Wilder Cartwright. We are the parents of four children: Hannah, Erin, James, and Bethany. I currently live in Nashville, IN.
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